Fortieth Anniversary of the Pastoral Provision


Hood-doff to Greg Martha Herr, Obl.S.B., for drawing my attention to a post (at _The Anglicanorum Coetibus Society_ page) about this Saturday marking the 40th anniversary of the Pastoral Provision.

There is also the following reference to Father Jack Augustine Barker, Obl.S.B.,’s work as chronicler/historian of much of this history.

An excerpt:

“In the mid-late 1970s, Anglican approaches to Rome by groups such as the Diocese of the Holy Trinity and the Pro-Diocese of St Augustine of Canterbury (PDSAC) culminated in the Holy See crafting a pastoral response that would provide a way for Anglicans to become fully Catholic while retaining their corporate integrity, their common identity, and their liturgical tradition’s distinctiveness.

“An extensive and detailed account of much of this backstory can be found in Father Jack Barker’s Early History of the Anglican Use. Fr Barker, a priest of the ordinariate, was also a speaker at our recent Anglican Tradition Conference in Toronto this past November. His talk, entitled Behind the Petition: A Brief Account of How Anglicans Received Ordinariate Status, is another exceptional source for the history of this development.”

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